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Tag: Campfire


Campfire Audio Dorado IEM

I’ve had the pleasure of reviewing quite a number of Campfire Audio IEMs over the recent months. Perhaps the last one (for a while at least) is the Campfire Audio

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Campfire Audio Lyra II

When I reviewed the original Lyra earphones from Campfire Audio I was underwhelmed and felt that they were too 2-dimensional for a flagship earphone and the associated price tag. In

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Campfire Audio Lyra IEMs

I’ve recently reviewed two other earphones from Campfire Audio, the Orion and the Jupiter. Both were excellent in their own ways so I expected good things from Campfire’s premium dynamic

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Campfire Audio Orion IEM

The Orions are a single driver IEM, but not a single dynamic as you might expect. No, the Orions are packing a single balanced armature rather than a single dynamic

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Campfire Audio Jupiter IEM

The Jupiters are the top of the line IEM from Campfire Audio, ALO Audio’s earphone brand. Based on ALO Audio’s stellar reputation and some early glowing reviews of the Jupiters,

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