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Tag: mp3


Cozoy Astrapi portable DAC

The Cozoy Astrapi is a teeny tiny marvel. It’s a DAC that’s so small I’ve been carrying it around in the pen holder sleeve of my bag! Overview The Astrapi

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FiiO X3 2nd Generation

A while back now, FiiO released their X3 portable music player (or digital audio player / DAP). The original X3 was a bit rough-looking and had an odd button layout,

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iRiver AK100

I’ve called this review “iRiver AK100”, but it probably should be called the iRiver Astell & Kern Red Wine Audio RWAK100. I’l explain… The AK100 is originally designed by Korean

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Bose IE2

There’s a lot of bad press from the “high-end” audio community towards Bose and although I would agree that Bose isn’t my choice for home music listening, they make brilliant

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